Appearance Characteristics: Shape: Pomegranates usually have a round or slightly tapered appearance, smooth skin, green when immature, and bright red, yellow, or red spots when ripe Peel: The peel of ripe pomegranates is thin and shiny, bright in color, and easy to attract people's attention. Fruit Grains: The interior of the pomegranate is composed of multiple fruit chambers. Each fruit chamber is filled with crystal clear fruit grains, surrounded by a thin white film. Palate Characteristics: Juicy: The fruit grains of the pomegranate contain a lot of juice. The taste is refreshing and has a sweet but not sour taste. Sweet and sour and delicious: The taste of the pomegranate is unique. It is sweet but not greasy, sour but not astringent, and the sweetness and acid are well balanced. Seeds: Pomegranate contains hard seeds, but the pulp around the seeds is soft and juicy, and can be eaten directly
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